Even though he plays a lot of champions he’s mostly known for his Syndra.
Bjergsen plays a lot of different champions and has a huge champion pool, so it’s really hard for other pro players to counter-pick him when going against him. Let us start this list off with a very popular player who currently plays mid-lane for a team known as the 100 Thieves. With that knowledge, let’s get into the article. If you have no idea how to change your keybinds or what to change them to, let these pro players that I’ll mention today help you out. I, for example, have almost every keybind changed to my preference, and some of those keybinds I got from pro players and some from my personal preference, which is exactly what we are talking about today. That can be a bit of a bad thing since everyone is different and has different key combinations they are comfortable with. Most League players don't change anything about the keybinds and just roll with the default ones they get once they install the game.
You see, keybinds can either enhance your gaming experience or hinder it completely. So you want to improve your gameplay tenfold, but you have no clue how to do that? Well, the first thing you should do is learn as much as you can about the game by watching pro players or twitch streamers who have achieved a high rank, and the second way is by having comfortable keybinds or hotkeys.